Monday, January 26, 2009

Back to school...

Ahh... the school badge, that much maligned and defaced of all badges!

Well, anyway, didn't stop me having fun making school badges for work. I've collected these over a few years - the earliest being about '04. Can't remember which order exactly and not too bothered in checking to find out but as I now have a few under my belt, here they are bunched together for all to see...

The more colourfull of the St Andrews badges is the one I would have liked them to have used but they chose the other one. The Rowantree, Craigowl, St Paul's and Braeview basic layouts were suggested through student design competitions and then worked up by me... althought the owl is very much me. Finally, The Claypotts was purely me...

It's great seeing them on little sweaters and ties and badges - i'll maybe post some samples at some point.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mr Blue Sky...

So, no sooner are the Christmas banners up that it's time for the
Spring banners to replace them...

Fortunate enough to photograph them on a day that reflected the 'blue sky' feel I was aiming for with the designs... 

And during the cold winter days while I was working on these 'Mr Blue Sky' on a loop was a great source of inspiration. I should probably post my 'Sunshine' playlist along with this.

Hope you like :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Test post

Test email post...

Just scanning settings in blogger and came across the 'email posts'
Never done this before so thought i'd give it a try.

Below is an image which is related to the most recent post... its a
portrait of my family in the 'CYPPC buddies' style. I got it printed
into a badge which will be attached to the kids Christmas pressie
'thank you' cards... hence the 'curvy' web address.

Here goes 2009..!