Tuesday, April 28, 2009


No, that's not a call bare bums, but a new movie due out later this year - called 'Moon'.
The trailer looks v. cool... (http://moon-trailer.blogspot.com/) somewhere along the lines of Solaris and Alien via 2001 with a healthy dose of Silent Running, and stars Sam Rockwell.
It's directed by Duncan Jones who's a regular on Twitter, and as the movie has such a cool poster design I made Mr Jones a theme, for his Twitter page, based around the 'Moon' poster design. Both attached for comparison.
You can find/follow Mr Jones on Twitter under the pseudonym 'manmademoon' - http:www://www.twitter.com/manmademoon
Of course, if you have any Twitter theme requests you can get in touch with me: @gilabot or follow the links on my blogger home page.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Evil Empires...

Besides working full time and doing my freelance projects I also do a lot of free work for the Christadelphians... we are a group of people who believe and study the Bible are waiting the return of Christ to the earth.
I work on posters, leaflets and the usual stuff... but this recent project is really enjoyable.
Evil Empires is a colaboration between me and another Christadelphian - so far we've yet to meet and have done this all through email... it's part one of at least 4 or 5 but once we've done those i'd really like to expand it out further and maybe even a book...
It's along similar lines to the 'Horrible Histories' (http://www.horrible-histories.co.uk/) that you may be familiar with and it's our take on the world Empires that are described in the book of Daniel...
Another reason for posting this is because I'm going to start another blog that chronicles, not only Evil Empires, but all my other freebies... so stay posted..!

Friday, April 10, 2009

NEW website...

New website... glitches seem to appear in Safari Beta from time to time but if you experience problems else where fling 'em over...
