Tuesday, April 28, 2009


No, that's not a call bare bums, but a new movie due out later this year - called 'Moon'.
The trailer looks v. cool... (http://moon-trailer.blogspot.com/) somewhere along the lines of Solaris and Alien via 2001 with a healthy dose of Silent Running, and stars Sam Rockwell.
It's directed by Duncan Jones who's a regular on Twitter, and as the movie has such a cool poster design I made Mr Jones a theme, for his Twitter page, based around the 'Moon' poster design. Both attached for comparison.
You can find/follow Mr Jones on Twitter under the pseudonym 'manmademoon' - http:www://www.twitter.com/manmademoon
Of course, if you have any Twitter theme requests you can get in touch with me: @gilabot or follow the links on my blogger home page.


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