3 posts in two days! :)
Here's a desktop to give you holiday browsing a festive edge...
One size fits all, hopefully, but if it looks particularly bad on your machine let me know what size you'd like and i'll sort one out :)
GraphicDesignIllustration PrintWebOther 'say hello!' hello atsymbol jongill dot co dot yookay
Here's a desktop to give you holiday browsing a festive edge...
One size fits all, hopefully, but if it looks particularly bad on your machine let me know what size you'd like and i'll sort one out :)
NEoN Rocks - original digital arts festival soundtrack
1 Neon Knights Black Sabbath
Great song - Neon in the title!
2 Lucky Star Madonna
The Pixar man shone!
3 You’re The Voice John Farnham
@FlackBoy suggestion - You are.., etc
4 Realtime Frequency Dre-Stortion
APB - coming soon...
5 Whatever Happened To Pong? Frank Black
Yeah, whatever did...
6 Weekend Wars MGMT
A big chunk of what NEoN is al about
7 Theme From Narc The Pixies
Classic tune from, apparently, classic game
8 Superfly Curtis Mayfield
A fringe benefit..?
9 When She Loved Me Sarah McLachlan
A Pixar classic, and so is this song
10 What! No Pearls Earle Bostic
Hmm.., the new buzzword at Adobe
11 I’ve Been Waiting For You David Bowie
NEoN has been a long time coming
12 Superfly Guy S’Express
How could I resist..?
13 Invaders Must Die Prodigy
For that classic VGL logo
14 You Only Love Me For My Lunchbox Asylum Street Spankers
The lunchboxes were great!
15 Neon Rocks Calvin Harris
Well, does it not..!?
16 100% Dundee The Roots
@newvibes idea... and NEoN’s defo Dundee
17 Sweet Emotion Aerosmith For that masterful VGL performance
It's not scientific, but it references NEoN and there are a couple of suggestions that arrived via twitter. So, this is the fictional artwork for the fictional album - the main purpose being that it reveals my train of though with regards to the selections.
Remember I need photographic proof - I still need to find last years but at some point I'll create a gallery - we're nearly into double figures. I find they look particularly creepy if you keep them for a week or two after Hallo'een...
Just interested to see if this works..?
Great sketch website where you sketch online and then embed you images into other webpages or emails, etc...
Try it out..!
Cheers all,
Email superguy@superfly.org.uk
twitter onthesuperfly
I suppose for a generation of designers it's a throw back to what got them drawing in the first place place and has now become an art form in it's own right, away from the cartoons and comics.
So heres part one in my occasional series 'Great Character Designs'...
I'll try to stay away from the obvious... everyone loves a Imperial Storm Trooper... but some of the obvious may turn up just because they are so classic... like Storm Troopers!
So, my first, and the inspiration for the series: (drum roll)
Darth Maul
The Phantom Menace is 10 years old this year. The fact that that makes me feel very old put to one side, it's the first movie that I remember as being an 'internet fueled' hype machine. After about 3 days of waiting on a 26k dial-up modem I had my own copy of the smallest trailer i had ever seen! But I felt liberated! :D
So, for my generation, who by definition, were far too old to be complaining about stuff anyway, the movie was a disappointment. There WERE some good vehicle designs but great character design was thin on the ground particularly with so much of the good stuff from the original trilogy standing out like Jabba, R2 and C3P0 etc. I'm a big fan of the new droids in SW:TPM, the destroyer ones that folded up into wheels in particular, but the stand out character, and one of only two reasons to go back to the film at all (the other being the pod race) is Darth Maul.
Darth Maul was just too cool for school.
If only he'd disposed of Qui-gon sooner.
Maul could have realised the error of his ways, Obi Wan could have seen the banal humdrum of the Jedi order for what it was and they could have met half way to become the Batman and Robin of the outer rim, a true rebel force keeping the scum in order and bringing balance to the SW universe. That would have been worth a watch.
As it was he got chopped in two and spawned the most pointless action figure ever (one that breaks in two BEFORE the kids get hold of it!).
But from his horns to his 'force kicking' boots he was a destined to be a design classic and one of the best baddies to come out of ANY universe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9UEV-b2Ws4
He even has a BMW... http://jalopnik.com/5259283/mwdesign-darth-maul-bmw-m3-the-dark-side-of-tuning
Peter Seranofiwics dubbed the voice but the stunts were all Ray Park, who suffered a worse fate than Darth Maul - a life of comic conventions!
So, ladies and gentlemen, your thoughts and memories please, on the tattooed tyrany of Darth Maul.
Lots to say but too busy to say it... however, this, for future reference, will do for now...
First: gilaBots, they are coming - keep 'em peeled as they say!
Second: Superfly - looking more and more likely by the day, more news v. soon!
Third: Illustrator dude from across the pond who purchases my tee regularly has included my last design (Twilight Bonzes - sizes still available in the shop) in his most recent self portrait...
Thanks maan!
Will be back soon with more info on the above points plus NEW tees!
I love street posters... as (hopefully) a future post will 'confirm' that i'm a Super Fly Guy..!
Found this today... i know, I was (genuinely) doing something else on Google Street View and then got sidetracked wondering if I might find one of my posters... and i DID! :)
I've included the original so that you can see what you're looking at through the blur.
The odd thing is that if you go one more step up the street and do the 'full side on view' then it's a different poster all together so obviously this street view is made up of several passes with just enough time for a new poster to go up.
Anyhow, I have some glory!
Anyway... it's early days yet, for the sleeve and the logo, not to mention the tees, but, Point 2. (a big part of why I'm making this post) is to illustrate the following. This jucnture in the jobs timeline is usually (in my experience) the 'nirvana' for the designer - in my mind the job is complete, i'm happy with it, i'm even having a bit of fun in my own time with the tee designs. Now, whether things stay like they are is another question entirely. Once the record company people, managers, not to mention the band, get involved and add or take away from the project (which is their perogative) a little bit of your designers soul is erased. Humbly I must admit that from time to time this process has been known make the job equally as good but in a different way - nay, even to improve the job!
And so point 3, (and by now you'll be thinking that Point 1 was enough) it only goes to show what a miserable bunch designers can be :)
So, it's early days, nothing has been finalised or approved but for once I thought i'd post something now and see what happens latter.
If you want to hear the music of Nectar visit their myspace page... http://www.myspace.com/nectarrock
You could also visit Hero records... http://www.hero-records.com
Until next time...
Well, anyway, didn't stop me having fun making school badges for work. I've collected these over a few years - the earliest being about '04. Can't remember which order exactly and not too bothered in checking to find out but as I now have a few under my belt, here they are bunched together for all to see...
The more colourfull of the St Andrews badges is the one I would have liked them to have used but they chose the other one. The Rowantree, Craigowl, St Paul's and Braeview basic layouts were suggested through student design competitions and then worked up by me... althought the owl is very much me. Finally, The Claypotts was purely me...
It's great seeing them on little sweaters and ties and badges - i'll maybe post some samples at some point.
Fortunate enough to photograph them on a day that reflected the 'blue sky' feel I was aiming for with the designs...
And during the cold winter days while I was working on these 'Mr Blue Sky' on a loop was a great source of inspiration. I should probably post my 'Sunshine' playlist along with this.
Hope you like :)